Ideotyping and PHenotyping for the Adaptation of soybean and sunflower varieties in Relay and Derobed varieties.

Little documented in France, double cropping systems nevertheless present interesting production levels for agricultural professionals in a context of market tension.

To help generate scientific knowledge on the subject and help farmers maintain their income, the Experimental Unit for Field Crops in Auzeville, of the INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse Centre, launched the project Idéotypage et PHénotypage pour l'Adaptation des variétés de soja et de tournesol à la culture en Relai ou en Dérobé (IPHARD) in 2020. Funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, this project aims, by 2024, to adapt to the climatic challenges in Occitania and the agricultural markets by identifying soybean and sunflower varieties adapted to double cropping that have interesting yield levels. TO FIND OUT MORE...

Le Film de présentation du projet