Scientific and technical events

Scientific and technical events

The Unité Expérimentale d'AgroEcologie et Phénotypage des Cultures (UE APC) regularly organises and/or participates in technical scientific events. These events can take different forms such as field visits, technical days or exhibitions. UE APC's participation in these events aims to interact with professionals from the world of research and agriculture (technical institutes, seed companies, agricultural machinery, robotics).

De gauche à droite : Eric Bazerthe, Clément Lemouzy, Paul Bataillon
De gauche à droite : Eric Bazerthe, Clément Lemouzy, Paul Bataillon

For example, you can discover the activities of the EU APC when it organises a technical event at the INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse Centre, at events such as the "Science Festival", at the International Forum of Agricultural Robotics (FIRA) or at certain scientific symposia.  Watch the events via our Centre's website.

See also

Modification date: 06 August 2024 | Publication date: 09 December 2020 | By: Bastien Dailloux