

3 Cultures en 2 Ans

On 1 January 2019 and for a period of 4 years, the EU GCA and the UMR AGIR of the INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse Research Centre committed themselves to the 3C2A project led by the Occitanie Regional Chamber of Agriculture, which mobilises actors in agricultural development, economics, research, agricultural education and farmers' collectives*.

This project aims to assess the feasibility of producing 3 crops in 2 years in a climatic context of Occitania. The aim is to set up double-cropping techniques (relay-cropping and stealing) still little tested in this Region in order to characterise their potential profitability for agricultural professionals. The system trials will focus on soybean and sunflower varieties.

3C2A represents a real opportunity to improve the profitability of cropping systems in the South-West of France while providing benefits close to those of intermediate crops.



agricultural development



Agricultural school


2 regional chambers

Arterris Cooperative 

INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse UMR AGIR

EPL d’Auzeville

Farmers' collectives

9 departmental chambers of agriculture 

Océlia Cooperative 

INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse UE GCA


Terres Inovia